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The Steering Commitee

Paolo OppedisanoPaolo Oppedisano

He was born in 1978 and graduated in Biomedical Engineering at the "Università degli Studi di Genova" and has obtained a second level Master in "Organisation and Management of Health Companies". Since 2007, he has been working at the Department (Unit) of Quality and Accreditation of the Hospital "A. Gemelli" in Rome, where he works on new organisational models, management systems for the quality and clinical risk.

Since 2009, he is contracted as a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore" in Rome.

In 2010, he started working in the International Cooperation sector, as a consultant in China for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for projects aimed at enhancing the technologies in the IT sector.