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The Steering Commitee

Francesco Ribolzi

He was born in 1973, graduated at the Politecnico di Milano in Mechanical Engineering - Biomedical, has obtained a second level Master in International Co-operation. He is currently completing his Master in "Public Health". After a brief working experience in Berlin (Germany) and a study period in San Diego (USA), from 2001 to 2006, he worked as "Project/Product Manager" in the R&D department of a biomedical corporation. From 2007, he worked as a consultant in different development Countries (China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan, South Africa, Swaziland and Vietnam) in International Co-operation projects of Technical Assistance to local and Central Institutions and Enhancement of the Health Systems and Public Health. He is also contracted as professor for the subject "Project Cycle Management" for classes in Development Co-operation.