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Biom.A.I.D. Onlus aims at promoting and implementing cooperation projects in developing countries with the objective of improving the health conditions of disadvantaged populations and vulnerable groups. Biom.A.I.D. Onlus implements projects with an aim of transferring the “know-how” of technological solutions and managerial skills in the health sector.

Biom.A.I.D. Onlus wants to be a focal point for reliable and competent persons who, both institutionally and as individuals, are financing and managing projects of development cooperation in the health sector.

The main activities which can be carried out by Biom.A.I.D. Onlus are as follows:


  • Project Cycle Management: Biom.A.I.D. Onlus provides expertise to support the implementation of health programmes in the different phases: programming, identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.


  • Technical Assistance: Technical support to the local institutions, in the development of health policies with a focus on strengthening the health systems. Particular attention is given to the quality and sustainability of the health services.


  • Support to procurement of medical equipment:Local markets analysis and assessment of local sustainable technologies. Drafting and reviewing of dossiers, with the purpose of facilitating access of all parties to health services.


  • Research and deployment of skilled professionals: Promotion and support of professional and volunteering activities in development cooperation programmes. This is achieved by researching qualified expertise required by the projects

The RED Project

Tele-Maintenance Project