The R.E.D. Project
Every year, for various reasons (technological renewal, obsolescence, excessive maintenance costs, no compliance with the regulations), health facilities decommission a high number of biomedical equipment that could be reused in Co-operation for Development projects. It has been shown that for some Developing Countries, without any external funding or specific project, the donation is the only way to get biomedical technologies for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes
The Project
Within such framework, Biom.A.I.D. Onlus has conceived the R.E.D. project (Refurbished Equipment Donation). The project has the following objectives:
- To foster the donation of the no longer used technological assets to the Developing Countries;
- To encourage an effective match between the needs (Developing Countries) and availability of decommissioned equipment (health facilities);
- To overcome the current bottlenecks which are affecting the potential donors (health facilities), i.e.:
- In many areas, there is no legal framework that regulates the donation of the decommissioned medical equipment;
- There are several singular projects aiming at donating medical equipment but there is no synergy among them;
- Lack of organised monitoring of the regional decommissioned equipment that could be possibly re-used and of the costs related to the decommissioning;
- Lack of a standard and unique procedure to manage the decommissioned equipment.
- To overcome the current bottleneck that affect the potential beneficiaries (Developing Countries). These setbacks are mainly related to an inadequate control of the suitability of the equipment for donation.
The R.E.D project aims to offer a solution to the above-listed issues and optimise the entire donation process. In particular, it wants to reach those goals by:
- defining a unique and standard procedure for the donation of medical equipment with a particular focus on sustainability;
- developing a portal (to match the needs of beneficiaries and the availability of equipment) and managing the related database;
- creating and managing a logistic centre for the refurbishing and stocking of the equipment (e.g. technical lab/stocking warehouse, stocking areas in the health facilities themselves, etc..) donating the equipment.

The model
Biom.A.I.D. Onlus role
- Assessment of the suitability for donation of the decommissioned medical equipment;
- Assessment of the request from the beneficiaries;
- Matching needs-requests;
- Management of the web portal ;
- Management of the logistic centre (refurbishing, stocking and delivering);
- Services in support to the project (tests, checks, training, maintenance,…);
- Monitoring and evaluation of the project.
Expected results
- Efficient and sustainable management of the decommissioned equipment:
- The decommissioning and hidden stocking costs incurred by the health facilities are reduced;
- Availability, usability, reliability and security of the donated equipment in the Developing Countries are increased.
- Ensuring transparency and traceability of the process of donation of decommissioned devices.
Take part
If you are interested in knowing more or joining the project, please contact us by filling in the on-line form. Our staff will contact you soon.
For further information on this topic:
Medical equipment donated developing nations -
Making it work: equipment donations - YouTube